Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Branding tips, storytelling expertise and first impression gems

September newsletter
The 12 brand archetypes all successful businesses are built on

Find your brand identity

Successful brands have a strong sense of identity, one that mirrors the hopes and aspirations of their customers.

Identify your brand character from our list and connect instantly with your audience.

The 12 brand archetypes all successful businesses are built on

'Provoke interest and fantasy' – how photographer Lucas Foglia tells compelling stories

Tell compelling photo stories

Critics have described Lucas Foglia's photos as 'highly lyrical', 'arresting' and 'durably memorable'.

We spoke to Lucas about the knockout storytelling in his Frontcountry project.

'Provoke interest and fantasy' – how photographer Lucas Foglia tells stories

4 Crunching conflicts that add bite to a story

Capture hearts with conflict

Conflict is the heart of every story. If the hero doesn't struggle, why should we care what happens?

As the storyteller, you simply choose who or what is being battled.

Master the 4 types of conflict to make your stories gripping

Make any stranger your BFF with our first impressions masterclass

Make a lasting impression

We all know that those first crucial moments with someone new have the potential to go horribly wrong.

So we sought expert advice on creating a top-notch first impression.

Make any stranger your BFF with our first impressions masterclass

If you want to make your hero shine, put some polish on the baddie.

How to create the perfect villain

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