Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Edtech heroes, clever doodles and presenting fails

August 2015 Newsletter
How one teacher won the student attention war with cool apps

Win the attention wars

Adeesha Hack is a teacher and edtech enthusiast from Toronto, Canada.

We spoke to Adeesha about teaching, engagement and technology in the classroom.

Get Adeesha's top tech tips for engaging students' attention

Why doodling is the cure for at-work brain farts

Don't diss the doodle

It's well known that drawings – and drawing – can boost information intake, concentration and recall.

So why do doodlers still get a hard time in the office and classroom?

Here's why doodling is the key to incredible focus

Download the VideoScribe Anywhere iPad app

Anywhere, any time

Make a stunning whiteboard video on your iPad with VideoScribe Anywhere. You'll see it's quicker and easier than taking candy from a baby.

Download VideoScribe Anywhere free from the app store and make some magic today.

Discover the power of mobile scribing

Once upon a time, in casualty: What doctors know about story

How does engaged feel?

When somebody engages you, what do you actually feel?

It can be difficult to describe, but the employee engagement field can help.

Trigger these 4 feelings to become a more inspiring speaker

What happens when live presenting goes wrong? Hilarity ensues.

8 presenters who have no chill

Think hashtags are new? Think again. Victorian artists were first.

Pre-Raphaelite Instagram hashtags

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