Wednesday, December 9, 2015

These communication tips are good - but your gifts are great

December newsletter
Hi erma – here's your final newsletter of 2015. Enjoy the articles and look out for the gifts we're sending you shortly. A small thank you for making this a great year.
8 Presentation openers that grab your audience from the get-go

Shall we begin?

Your message is concrete. Your argument is watertight.

But are you opening your presentation in the most engaging way?

These 8 presentation openers will grab your audience from the get-go

Do customers care if brands are honest? Let's ask Volkswagen

Let's be honest...

There are lots of quick shortcuts to customer engagement.

But connecting with people for life means making and keeping promises.

Here's a hard lesson in brand honesty from Volkswagen

John Lewis's Christmas ads: Have you worked out the obvious formula yet?

Warning: Totes emosh

Why have Christmas TV adverts become such huge media events?

How do the best ads make us weep like children every year?

This is the obvious formula for John Lewis's emotional advertising

The mouth-watering Michelin-star storytelling of chef Matt Gillan

Who's that trip-trapping?

Matt Gillan is a Michelin-starred chef who wants us to eat more goat meat.

To raise the Billy goat's profile, he turned to storytelling. And it was incredible.

The mouth-watering Michelin-star storytelling of chef Matt Gillan

5 Scientific reasons to ditch words and let music do the talking

Music does the talking

Choosing the right words is hard. But what if the solution was in your stereo?

Music (like emoji) is a universal language. Its emotion hits us at a gut level.

Here are 5 scientific reminders that music is the ultimate communicator

Charisma doesn't deserve our worship. Substance and honesty mean more.

Here's why charisma is baloney

Can the STOIC method help us defeat office presentation boredom?

Top tips for interesting talks

©2015 Sparkol Ltd, Yeo Bank, Kenn Road, Clevedon, BS21 6UW, UK

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